It's Been A While
Hey everyone!
It’s been a hot second. I apologize for my inconsistency in making posts, but time really flies. Right now I’m taking Harvard’s CS50 course with the goal of better understanding programming languages as a whole. I’m squeezing small projects in here and there but to be honest not much has happened.
I revamped the movie website ( to be completely custom. It has way, way less movies now and is instead a collection of sorts of my favorites.
I wish I could’ve done more with my other project. It’s called SharkD and I plan to add a ton of stuff to it but I just haven’t had the time. You can find it at, but really it’s just a renamed version of MarkD. There will be more for SharkD and my other projects to come. Stay tuned.
UPDATE: This update has been moved to I have found a real alternative for my main movie website.
Anyways, I’ve been ARCHIIV, and I hope you got something out of this post. Thanks for visiting.